Enhancing Financial Reporting for Renewable Electricity Contracts: IASB Proposes Amendments

Enhancing Financial Reporting for Renewable Electricity Contracts: IASB Proposes Amendments

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has recently taken proactive steps to address the accounting challenges posed by renewable electricity contracts, aiming to ensure financial statements accurately reflect their impact on companies.

Understanding the Proposal

Renewable electricity contracts, including power purchase agreements (PPAs), play a vital role in securing access to renewable energy sources. However, the unpredictable nature of renewable energy supply presents unique challenges. These contracts often require companies to purchase whatever amount of electricity is produced, regardless of their immediate needs.

To tackle these challenges, the IASB proposes narrow-scope amendments to IFRS 9 Financial Instruments and IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures. These amendments aim to:

1. Address the application of ‘own-use’ requirements.

2. Permit hedge accounting if these contracts are used as hedging instruments.

3. Introduce disclosure requirements to help investors understand the impact of these contracts on financial performance and future cash flows.

The Importance of Timely Feedback

Andreas Barckow, Chair of the IASB, highlights the importance of these amendments in keeping financial standards relevant as more companies transition to renewable energy sources. The IASB invites feedback on the Exposure Draft until 7 August 2024, acknowledging the urgency of these changes by shortening the comment period to 90 days.

What You Can Do

You can read and comment on the Exposure Draft “Contracts for Renewable Electricity” to contribute to the refinement of these proposals. Your feedback is valuable in shaping the future of financial reporting standards in this rapidly evolving sector.


As the global market for renewable electricity contracts continues to expand, it’s crucial to ensure that financial reporting standards keep pace with these developments. By providing relevant and transparent information, these proposed amendments aim to enhance the understanding of companies’ financial positions and performance in the renewable energy sector. Let’s contribute to this positive change by sharing our insights and perspectives with the IASB.

For more information and to submit your feedback, visit the IASB website.

Enhancing Financial Reporting for Renewable Electricity Contracts: IASB Proposes Amendments

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